Tuesday 7 June 2011

Miracles Do Happen - Are you ready to believe?

I have always been a great fan of the The Secret. I know that a lot of people believe that the law of attraction is a load of BS and the same people are so negative that they refuse to believe this. The result? They continue to be unhappy because to them, this is "normal". In fact, if "good" things do happen to them, then it not normal. So, in order to be "normal", they expect things to be bad. They expect life to be anything but great. In fact, life's great!

We all have oour share of problems. Be it work, money, relationship or family. However have we  really stopped to think that there is always a way out. That all this is but our own mindset. Believe that you are the best that life can be! Believe that always things happen for a reason. A good reason.

Recently, I have been having a lot of problems with my work and money issue. I began to question why I am always such a failure. I never get things done correctly. However, later when I reflect back, I found that instead of blaming everyone, I should be taking full responabilty for myself. There is always a reason why things happen. However, before we blame everyone else but ourself, before we blame the society and the envirnoment, take a monent to be grateful for all the little things that we are so blessed with. Remember you cannot have 2 distinct emotions at the same time. You can't be grateful and yet be angry at the same time.

So miracles do happen. Question is - Are you ready to Believe?

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